Account Information - American National Bank of Texas
Another bank scam. If you are a customer of American National Bank of Texas, beware of this scam email going around. It is NOT from your bank!
Dear American National Bank of Texas Customer,
Due to recent fraudulent activities on some of American National Bank of Texas online accounts we are launching a new security system to make American National Bank of Texas online accounts more secure and safe. Before we can activate it we will be checking all American National Bank of Texas online accounts to confirm the authenticity of the holder.
We will require a confirmation that your account has not been stolen or hacked. Your account has not been suspended or frozen.
To confirm your account status please login -complete the required information to authenticate and reset your account -make sure your account balance has not been changed -make sure your details have not been changed -review recent transactions in your account history for any unauthorized transfer
If you find any type of suspicious activities please contact us immediately. Please include in your message your account number, your account name and the unauthorized transfer date & time.
Please do not reply to this message. For any inquiries, contact Customer Service.
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