Doug's Anti Spam Log

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Friday, June 22, 2007

You email has been taken from open sources. This is message not spam.

Sorry, I haven't posted any new spam information here in awhile. Thing is, spammers are predictably predictable these days; there aren't any new scams out there...just the same tired old Nigerian foolishness, and I haven't felt like writing about any of them.

But today I got one that made me laugh, so I thought I'd share the laugh. It was actually just the title that made me laugh:

You email has been taken from open sources. This is message not spam.

That was the subject line. Yep. Apparently these people have no idea that spam is unsolicited email. I'm not sure what they think spam is.

The only thing that would be funnier is:

This message has no fat or protein content. This message is not spam.

Anyway, just for the sake of completeness, here's the email, which is your typical "We're from a foreign country and we're trying to find someone to work for us in moving money around."

Yeah. Right. When I go to the laundromat, it's clothes I launder. Nothing else.

Hello. My name is Ella Pelsh. I work in company E-exchange Norway. We search considerable, clever, and the operative person for work with our company.

We need to find the person for delivery to us of electronic currencies, such as e-gold, e-bullion, evocash, and still other currencies.

If you to have interest in it write to my email:

we shall contact you within 24 hours after you write to us on email. We shall send you all details of the transaction, and we shall write all trifles and conditions, have successful day.

Have good day Ella.


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