Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't even bother posting anything about a piece of spam like this, but the spam author did something to bring himself to my attention:
He requested a "Read Receipt". *rollseyes* Yeah, that's right. A SPAMMER actually flagged the spam that he wanted a confirmation of receipt.
So, unlike MOST spam, which takes one click to get rid of, this one required two: one to DELETE, and one to tell Outlook, NO, I DON'T WANT TO SEND A READ RECEIPT.
But that one extra click gave me reason to look for just a moment at the email, and in so doing, I noticed that there was something even more stupid than asking for a read receipt for a piece of spam...
Notice those "Click HERE" links, part way down the email? Well, in the original email, they were BLUE and they were UNDERLINED, just like a normal link. But...guess what!
They aren't links. They're just blue underlined text that say Click Me.
You is wicked smaht, Bruno! I don't think I'll be doing any virtual tours with you...
My name is Bruno Roldan, owner of Guru Home Visions.
Virtual Tours can be expensive and eat away at your margins.
GuruHomeVisions.com provides you with customizable Virtual Tours for your listings - but without the expensive price tag - Unlimited Virtual Tours for $149.99 ($ Canadian) per year.
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Click HERE to view a sample Virtual Tour
Click HERE to view a sample Brochure
I am offering UNLIMITED Virtual Tours for 30 days - the same as the demo above - to the first 50 agents who reply to this email.
You must reply to this e-mail to get your 30 Day trial account!
or Call us TOLL FREE 1.866.668.5237
No commitment to us - No credit card required
Bruno Roldan
Partner, Guru Home Visions
Toll Free: 1.866.668.5237
Email: bruno@guruhomevisiontour.com
Web: www.guruhomevisiontour.com
To opt-out from our mailing list please state so in an email to bruno@guruhomevisiontour.com Guru Home Visions, 1201-15 Kennedy St., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3X5, Canada