Strife is O'er, the ‹D›battle Done, The
«D Major»
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
1. The strife is o'er, the battle done—
The victory of life is won.
The song of triumph has begun.
2. The pow'rs of death have done their worst,
But Christ their legions has dispersed.
Let shouts of holy joy outburst!
3. The three sad days have quickly sped;
He rises glorious from the dead.
All glory to our risen Head!
4. He closed the yawning gates of Hell;
The bars from heav'n's high portals fell;
Let hymns of praise His triumphs tell.
5. Lord, by the stripes which wounded thee,
From death's dread sting thy servants free,
That we may live and sing to Thee!
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
With Chords
«D Major»
DAlleGluiDa! AlleGluiDa! AlleAluiDa!
1. DThe strife is Go'er, the Dbattle Adone—
BmThe victorF#my of Glife is Awon.
DThe song of GtriDumph Bmhas beAgun.
2. DThe pow'rs of Gdeath have Ddone their Aworst,
BmBut Christ their F#mlegions Ghas disApersed.
DLet shouts of GhoDly Bmjoy outAburst!
3. DThe three sad Gdays have Dquickly Asped;
BmHe rises F#mglorious Gfrom the Adead.
DAll glory Gto Dour Bmrisen AHead!
4. DHe closed the Gyawning Dgates of AHell;
BmThe bars from F#mheav'n's high Gportals Afell;
DLet hymns of Gpraise DHis Bmtriumphs Atell.
5. DLord, by the Gstripes which Dwounded Athee,
BmFrom death's dread F#msting thy Gservants Afree,
DThat we may Glive Dand Bmsing to AThee!
DAlleGluiDa! AlleGluiDa! AlleAluiDa!