Bringing In The Sheaves
Sowing in the Morning, Sowing Seeds of Kindness,
Sowing in the Noontide and the Dewy Eves,
Waiting for the Harvest, and the Time of Reaping,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves.
Sowing in the Sunshine, Sowing in the Shadows
Fearing Neither Clouds Nor Winter's Chilling Breeze
By and by the Harvest and the Labor Ended,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves.
Go Then, Ever Weeping, Sowing for the Master
Tho the Losss Sustained Our Spirit Often Grieves
When Our Weeping's Over, He Will Bid Us Welcome,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves.
Bringing in the Sheaves, Bringing in the Sheaves,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves.
Bringing in the Sheaves, Bringing in the Sheaves,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, Bringing in the Sheaves.
[edited by Doug T on Apr 15, 2003]
With Chords
GSowing in the Morning, Sowing Seeds of CKindness,
GSowing in the Noontide and the Dewy DEves,
GWaiting for the Harvest, and the Time of CReaping,
GWe Shall Come Rejoicing, D7Bringing in the GSheaves.
GSowing in the Sunshine, Sowing in the CShadows
GFearing Neither Clouds Nor Winter's Chilling DBreeze
GBy and by the Harvest and the Labor CEnded,
GWe Shall Come Rejoicing, D7Bringing in the GSheaves.
GGo Then, Ever Weeping, Sowing for the CMaster
GTho the Losss Sustained Our Spirit Often DGrieves
GWhen Our Weeping's Over, He Will Bid Us CWelcome,
GWe Shall Come Rejoicing, D7Bringing in the GSheaves.
GBringing in the Sheaves, CBringing in the GSheaves,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, D7Bringing in the Sheaves.
GBringing in the Sheaves, CBringing in the GSheaves,
We Shall Come Rejoicing, D7Bringing in the GSheaves.
[edited by Doug T on Apr 15, 2003]