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Thou Wayfaring Jesus
Posted By:    David N
Author:    van Dyke, Henry
Composer:    Twitchell, Douglas
David N
Dec 10, 2003

This is a beautiful poem by the same author who wrote the words 'Joyful Joyful We Adore Thee' and the story of 'The Fourth Wiseman'.

I put this to music a few years back, and folks have really enjoyed this Christmas carol.

Here's a link to a soundfile of me singing & playing:

Thou Wayfaring Jesus

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Thou Wayfaring Jesus

Thou wayfaring Jesus--a pilgrim and stranger
Exiled from heaven by love at Thy birth:
Exiled again from Thy rest in the manger,
A fugitive child 'mid the perils of earth.

Cheer with thy fellowship all who are weary
Wandering far from the land that they love:
Guide every heart that is homeless and dreary,
Safe to its home in Thy presence above
With Chords

Thou ‹Em›wayfaring ‹Am›Jesus--a ‹C›pil‹Am›grim and ‹Em›stranger
‹Am›Exiled from ‹C›heaven by ‹Em›love at Thy ‹D›birth:
‹Em›Exiled a‹Am›gain from Thy ‹Em›rest in the ‹D›manger,
A ‹Em›fugitive ‹Am›child 'mid the ‹Em›per‹Am›ils of ‹Em›earth.

‹Em›Cheer with thy ‹Am›fellowship ‹C›all ‹Am›who are ‹Em›weary
‹Am›Wandering ‹C›far from the ‹Em›land that they ‹D›love:
‹Em›Guide every ‹Am›heart that is ‹Em›homeless and ‹D›dreary,
‹Em›Safe to its ‹Am›home in Thy ‹Em›pres‹Am›ence a‹E›bove
David N
Dec 10, 2003

if you listen to the soundfile, you'll hear a middle verse done with violin...which I thought worked very nicely. :) Also, I ended it with a major chord (E instead of Em) That can go either way.

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