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Web Design and Content Management

Building and maintaining a website for your business, school, or church can be a daunting task. Many of Virtu Software's clients have been organizations which had neither the personnel nor the know-how to build and maintain a website.

Content Management
However, these same organizations want to have control of the content of their websites without having to deal with either HTML or FTP. For this reason, Virtu Software has developed a Content Management system which allows the client to manage the site's content through an administrative backend. Even more importantly, this content management system gives the client complete control over each page's title, description, and keywords. In other words, the ability to keep the site optimized for search engines is placed directly in the hands of the client.

Graphic Design
Virtu Software also provides graphic design work. All our web design projects are tested not just on high speed internet connections, but also on dial-up connections, in order to verify that - in addition to being attractive - your site will load quickly. A web statistics site has listed some of our sites as being among the top 30% of fast-downloading sites worldwide.

We will work with you to produce an attractive site within your budget.

Virtu Software does not currently offer hosting services. However, we will help you find a hosting plan which meets your needs and your budget. Website Promotion
The Website Promotion industry (also known as SEO: Search Engine Optimization) is one of the most crooked industries I've seen. If a crooked SEO isn't trying to trick you, there is a good chance they are trying to trick the Search Engines, which means that eventually your site will get blacklisted.

As a general rule, Virtu Software does not get involved in the Website Promotion business. However, we do offer some basic (and very honest!) web promotion services for clients we are building sites for. These services include: teaching the client how to keep their own site optimized for search engines, and getting the website listed in major search engines and directories.

Nothing sneaky, and therefore no "overnight success", but better for your site in the long run.

We will work with you to design a site which is within your budget. Sometimes clients are intimidated by the process of describing what they want, and are terrified to find out what the cost will be. We will work with you to figure out exactly what you need, and how to keep your project cost to a minimum.

Please use the Get A Quote page to submit your web design needs.